"In front of each of our teams is/one player from each team is (insert moat objects) when I say "GO", the first player from each team will work across the moat, once you're there, it's the second player's turn the same way as you did. OLMEC: The (insert legend theme) Legend of the (insert legend artifact).ĬRISTELA: One of these four teams of heroes will have the chance to enter your temple to retrieve the (artifact) and win that king's ransom.
#Legends of the hidden temple season 3 full
(Olmec talking to Cristela)ĬRISTELA: Your temple is full of so many lost treasures, the most amazing legends throughout history.
#Legends of the hidden temple season 3 how to
And here's their guide to tell them how to do it: Cristela Alonzo!ĬRISTELA: Thanks, Olmec! Hey, everybody! Do you wanna go on an adventure let's go do it!ĬRISTELA: It's so great to see you! (Cristela talking to Olmec) But only one team may enter my temple to try. OLMEC: These four teams have a chance to become heroes and win a king's ransom: $25,000. But first, they must cross the moat, and here's/Olmec will tell us how they have to do it today." And in the end, only one team will have the right to enter Olmec's Temple. KIRK: ( The legend of (insert legend artifact)!) (The Legend is set, and) One of these six teams will have a chance to retrieve the (insert legend artifact) (and help us return it to it's rightful owner ), will it be the Red Jaguars, The Blue Barracudas, The Green Monkeys, The Orange Iguanas, The Purple Parrots, or the Silver Snakes? They're gonna have to pass some (pretty) tough physical and mental tests. OLMEC: The Legend of (insert legend artifact). Which one are we going to hear (about) today?

(Only) Olmec knows the Legend behind each of the treasures in his Temple. ) The Rooms are filled with lost treasures that are protected by Mysterious Mayan Temple Guards. Welcome to (Legends of) the Hidden Temple. KIRK: Thank you, thank you very much, nice to see you, and thank/great/good to see you, Olmec. Many versions of these legends exist, but there is only one. Thrust into an epic legend told by generations of oral storytellers, like me. on an adventure to prove they are heroes worthy of entering my temple. of the Hidden Temple! With your guide, Kirk Fogg! And here he is now! (Original)